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  The Perfect Gift

“We had our first experience at your Oxford Castle outlet, but we soon decided to visit the website. The necklace and earrings arrived promptly and...”

  Absolutely Thrilled

“Received glass today. I am absolutely thrilled with it. Top class service. You can be very proud of your product and service. I shall be ordering...”

  Well done

“Well done for creating a site that i've come back to couple of times recently. I'm looking forward to receiving the Inferno bracelet and earrings”

  Pride of Place

“We spent almost an hour browsing the site before we chose the mirror. It was definitely worth the wait, and now takes pride of place in our hallway....”

  ..Going to love it..

“Just wanted to let you know I have received the wine glass in perfect condition and I think she is going to love it. Your pictures on your website...”

One-Off Payments

This page allows customers to make one-off payments for special orders and items not normally found on the website

When specifying the payment value, please do not include the carriage cost. The website will automatically calculate the carriage and include it in the final amount before you are asked to make payment

For all other purchases, please use the website order basket